Powering Through the Final Weeks of the Fall Semester
December 4, 2022

The final week of classes has officially drawn to a close, leaving only finals week left before we complete this semester. In some ways, this semester has felt like a slow crawl that would never end, but somehow it also seemed to fly by.
This is a time of late nights in the library, last minute cramming for an exam, practicing presentations until they’re perfect, and typing up research papers until your fingers hurt. It’s so easy to feel overwhelmed during this time; in fact, I’d be surprised to hear of any students who weren’t at least a little bit stressed out. Regardless of major or grade level, the end of the semester is never easy.
This year, it seems like many students are experiencing some kind of academic burnout. The weeks between Thanksgiving break and the end of the semester are always challenging because you want to finish strong, but are also feeling so ready to be done that it can be difficult to put in as much effort as you should be. This is especially true for the seniors, who are so close to the finish line but are also likely overwhelmed at the thought of actually being done (see the editorial on Senioritis from the November 10 issue ofThe Beacon for more on this).
During these last few weeks, it’s so important to practice self-care and not allow yourself to get too stressed out. Of course, you should work hard at your classes, but also, don’t let it cause you unnecessary anxiety and turmoil. Try to find time to relax amidst the chaos of finals week, take a deep breath, and remember that the semester will be completed before you know it. To all the readers of The Beacon, we hope that you all ace your finals and have a great winter break! Let’s come back for spring semester feeling refreshed, relaxed, and ready to tackle what is to come.