MCLA Seniors Look Towards Graduation and the Future

Ashley DelRatez, Staff Writer

With graduation in less than thirty days, and the spring semester slowly coming to a close, MCLA seniors are preparing for their next steps. While it’s an exciting time there are also thoughts of anxiety regarding graduation, finals, and all that comes next. A variety of seniors took the time to speak with the Beacon about their thoughts.

Amoure Joseph ‘23 stated, “I’m very excited to graduate from MCLA, move on with my life, and pursue my career!”

While another senior, Isabel Mazzola, who is a Communication major with a concentration in Broadcast Media stated, “I’m scared, the fact that it’s really close freaks me out.” However, regarding future plans, she also then stated, “I have an internship I’m working on for the Pittsfield Community Television station.”
Also, within the English and Communications department, Gabrielle Osowiecki ’23 — an English major, stated that thoughts of graduation produced, “A hesitant yay.”

She added, “It’s scary but also very relieving because I have so much work and I’d love to be done with it,” She then went on to explain, “English majors just have a bunch of final essays. It’s gonna be a lot of cramming.”

Another senior, Vincienza Alicandri ‘23, a psychology major stated, “I am happy that my four-year journey of college is about to be accomplished.” She then added, regarding finals and end of the year events, “It’s the final push! Most of my difficult classes have been taken. There is still some responsibility but it’s not as stressful.”

When speaking about the future Alicandri said, “I am mostly living in the moment. However, my plan is to take a year off to work and get a paying job. I am going to explore other areas of work to see if psychology is something I truly want to pursue further. Then I will go back to obtain my master’s if I feel it is needed.”
Finally, Jaela Horton ‘23, an English major with a concentration in film and a minor in American Ethnic Studies expressed, “Oh my gosh it’s coming up so soon!”
Horton then said, “I feel kinda anxious. MCLA became my comfort spot. Where, yes I’m doing work but I’m also able to enjoy days like this where I’m in the quad and really centering myself within this community and feeling at home. And now that I’m graduating it’s like wow, now I’ve got to find this at another place.” She then emphasized, “I am happy that I’m graduating and going on with the next step.”

Horton took the time to talk about final projects as she stated, “As a senior I feel like I have a lot more creativity and creative freedom in the finals and papers that I’m doing, especially as an English major. It’s a lot starting to pile up, but a lot of it is my choice in whatever creative form these projects are taking. So, I’m pretty excited to see how it all unfurls. For instance, I have a little short film that I’m doing, and it’s looking pretty interesting. It’s for the course Senior Seminar: Literature and the Body. I’m basically doing my own interpretation of embodying the experience of me, specifically as a black woman, while inviting people to look into the discourse of the black community and invoke serenity and calmness.”

Regarding the future Horton stated, “I don’t have specific things lined up. But I am very hopeful! I feel like I have, in these last few years, gained a skill set that I am confident enough to say would be an asset going out into a film career.”

Amidst all of the end of the year stressors it’s important to stay positive. Horton stated, as word of encouragement to all graduating seniors, “Let’s stay strong and end this semester on an amazing note!”