Of the more than 1000 students that attend MCLA, there are some students that not only engage themselves fully with the coursework, but also across campus in the form of extracurricular activities such as sports and clubs.
There are students that put their absolute all into everything they do, and The Beacon wants to recognize those students and their contribution to not only MCLA, but the campus community as a whole.
The Beacon’s Student Spotlight recognizes amazing students who benefit the college in more ways than one. In this article, The Beacon would like to shine a spotlight on an MCLA senior. Amoure Joseph ‘23 is a Biology major who has a concentration in Pre-Vet.
The Pre-Vet concentration, officially called Pre-Veterinary, teaches various topics involved with animal biology. According to the MCLA website, Biology’s Pre-Vet concentration, “prepares students for a variety of animal focused careers and aligns with the prerequisite courses for veterinary programs.”
When Joseph visited the MCLA campus before her freshman year, she said she specifically, “felt a sense of belonging.” This contributed to her decision to enroll in MCLA’s Biology program. Joseph has very much fit into the greater campus community, for she engages in various jobs, sports, and extracurricular activities.
“Some ways that I engage with the campus community,” Joseph states, “is by working at the student engagement office, where I help promote several events on campus, as well as organize orientations for incoming freshmen, and transfer students.”
In addition to assisting in MCLA event promotion and assisting MCLA’s incoming freshmen classes, Joseph also aids freshmen by, “work[ing] as a FSEM (First Year Seminar) peer mentor where [she] [works] closely with freshmen showing them tips and tricks to being academically successful on campus.”
MCLA’s First Year Seminars are an extension of the First Year Experience Course, in which a campus Facilitator and Peer advisors, “provide an important introduction to the MCLA community, college life management strategies and the resources available to help [students] transition successfully into the college learning and living environment,” as stated on the Peer Advisors page of the MCLA website.
As for extracurricular activities, Joseph attends the Christian Fellowship Club. The Christian Fellowship club, as highlighted by the MCLA webpage, is an, “Organization of students who follow Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. They grow in love for God, God’s Word, God’s people of every ethnicity and culture, and God’s purposes in the world through spiritual, intellectual, physical and social pursuits.”
In addition to attending the Christian Fellowship Club, Joseph participates in Volleyball Intramurals, which allows people of all abilities to participate in sports, “grant[ing] participants opportunities to develop lifetime qualities of leadership, cooperation, self-reliance, fitness, and a sense of fair play,” as stated on the MCLA Athletics website.
On her plans for the future, Joseph hopes to, “continue to work at Dakin Humane Society Vet Clinic this spring and summer to get more hands-on experience in the veterinary field.” The Dakin Humane Society is in Springfield, Massachusetts and is a, “non-emergency veterinary resource operated by Dakin Humane Society for pet cats and dogs.”

As stated on the clinic’s official website, “This program is an expansion of our existing veterinary services to better support the pets and people in our community and lessen the number of barriers to veterinary medical care.”
Joseph also plans to attend a graduate school of Veterinary Medicine after graduating MCLA. Joseph’s ultimate goal is, “to become a licensed Veterinarian with [her] own practice/business.”
Mary Gibbs • Dec 9, 2023 at 8:29 am
Congratulations, Amoure!
You are a fierce woman in all you do!
Love, Mary