SGA Discusses Zen-Den for Students, SGA Elections

September 28, 2022
The first SGA meeting of the semester took place in Murdock 218 on September 19th at 7pm, with four members in attendance, including one on Zoom.
President Ian Crombie gave his report. Papers for new SGA members were due September 22nd, with SGA elections taking place on Canvas voting page on October 4th and 5th. The office hours for Senate and E-board members began this week. Suggestions for guest speakers were also discussed during the meeting, ranging from a member of library staff to discuss resources the library has, a public safety officer to discuss campus responses to suicide awareness and Kayla Hollins about her new position in Student Preservation.
Committee reports were sparse. The All College Committee elected Jerome Socolof as their committee chair, Paula Kingsbury-Evans as vice chair and Gina Puc as secretary. Their quorum vote has a new requirement of 5 staff members, 1 admin and 1 student, but once 3 premiant students are decided the requirement will return to 3. The Curriculum Committee elected Justin Golub as chair, Laura Standley as vice chair and Aaron Kylie as secretary. Their quorum follows a simple majority and they have changed meeting locations to Murdock 312.
Other announcements included the creation of a student “zen-den” for students to destress, the QSU’s Queer Jeopardy on September 24th at 5 pm in the Gender and Sexuality Center, and SAC’s Big E trip on September 25th. The meetings will take place every Monday and new developments will occur in the coming weeks after elections have concluded.