SGA: NECHE Accreditation, SGA Elections, Networking Social, & Student Engagement

Dylan Slonka, Staff Writer

The first SGA meeting of the Spring 2023 semester took place on January 30th in Murdock 218. As only four senators were present it was deemed an “informational meeting” where no voting would take place.

Events and other pertinent happenings on campus were all on the table to be discussed. Vice President Jeannette Smith was on hand to discuss MCLA’s standards for accreditation through the NECHE (New England Commission of Higher Education).

“Accreditation is what allows us to be a college and what allows us to grant degrees and confer degrees upon students,” Smith explained.

The midterm reports are completed at set intervals to make way for a final report, and Accreditation takes place every seven to ten years and is based on nine standards. If MCLA fits the standards and gets a clean report from NECHE then accreditation will be awarded.

VP Smith noted that as the semester progresses students will have chances to be engaged in the accreditation process, sharing feedback on the report. This November a NECHE team will visit MCLA to review the final report and engage with students about what all of this means for the campus as a whole.

As for this current moment, VP Smith and her colleagues are discussing the “best ways to get student voice involved, and student input,” she said. This will be done through mediums such as email to get the most student engagement possible in this matter.

One of the foremost events discussed at the meeting was the Networking Social which will be held in Murdock 218 on February 16 between noon and 1:30 PM. Several different local organizations will be available to talk with students about networking as well as internship and career opportunities.

This is an important event for students who want to gain insights of networking and career advice from professionals working in the field. Students will be able to hone their leadership skills as well as the necessary skills needed to approach and succeed in job interviews which will be critical for many MCLA students in the future, regardless of major.

Students can simply walk into the event for as long as they please and are encouraged to ask questions and converse with those at the event.

A final pressing matter concerning SGA is the need for new student government members. There are many openings for new senators and e-board members as well. SGA is an organization that holds an important role here at MCLA, and student involvement in the association is what keeps it going throughout each academic year.

This year there are six open slots for members of the executive cabinet, four open slots for new senators and likely more in other denominations of student government. Those students who want to make a difference in their time here should consider joining SGA.

Any student interested in being a part of this organization should contact President Ian Crombie or Executive Vice President Callista Motta for more information on how to become a senator or other much needed member of student government.