Class Council and SGA Vacancies, and Fundraisers

Chloe Golebiewski, Staff Writer

Multiple clubs across campus have died out in recent years due to low interest, and that is translating over into student government positions as well. (photo by Chloe Golebiewski)

On Friday, February 24th, MCLA’s 2025 class council held a fundraiser in the Campus Center Marketplace. The fundraiser consisted of a variety of donuts from Shire Donuts— which can be found in Adams and Dalton, and ran from 11:00am to 1:00pm. The money from the fundraisers went to the 2025 senior class trip, which is also where the proceeds from fundraisers in the 2021-2022 academic year went.

The event was supervised by Allison Williams, Assistant Director of Student Engagement and Programming and the Advisor for the 2025 class council, and was run by Dalena Soun, the 2025 president, Armanni Rios, the vice president, and Agnieszka Ramirez, the treasurer.

“I’m very grateful for my position,” Soun told The Beacon. “Last year, we all worked really hard to get everything going, and it has definitely been harder this year with people gone. We haven’t been able to start working on anything until this semester, which creates a very late start to our events.”

Soun said about her roles in the E-board for class council, “[As president,] I help everyone in our section, and I just make sure everything runs smoothly for our events. We are planning more events that are in the works, including an event in April that will be in collaboration with the class council of 2023 and possibly SAC also.”

“We also have a secretary position to fill, so if you are interested in that, or have any fun suggestions for fundraisers, please contact me or Armanni Rios regarding that,” said Soun.

Although class council for 2023 and 2025 are mostly full regarding secretary positions, there are many vacancies within the classes of 2024 and 2026. The Beacon spoke with Ian Crombie, the president of the Executive Cabinet of SGA, on this matter.

“Within the recent semester, we have been having trouble getting senators and E-board members. We actually started this semester with no senators, as many of them dropped for personal or academic reasons, as we do have a GPA requirement,” Ian Crombie told The Beacon, “Since January, we have been working on an initiative through an application process to join SGA. We have created a Microsoft form that allows people to join. All you have to do is scan a QR code and go onto the form, which is where you put in your A number, your information, and reasons why you’d like to join a certain position. We then look over your application and appoint you a position if we feel you are eligible. We will still be having the election process, but we are trying a more lenient and flexible way to let people join that is better for them.”

Crombie spoke to The Beacon regarding the vacancies in SGA and class council. “For class council, we really don’t recommend that first years and sophomores have a class council, as it’s not required for them, although it would be great if they did,” Crombie said, “As for senators and E-board members, we have been having issues, especially with E-board members. People don’t have the time commitment to be able to do that position, and there really isn’t enough information about how those positions are run and what students can gain from these positions. We are trying to put out an overall knowledge of positions and how students can help their communities out, hoping that will help to fill the positions.

“As of right now, we are having a temporary appointment process, so around MCLA you will see flyers where you can scan a QR code if you’re interested in a position. If you fill it out and are qualified to fill a position, you could be appointed within the next week. It is fast and super easy to do. We will also make sure that students have the knowledge and training to be a senator before starting. It’s more about knowledge than experience going into this. We would love student participation, especially since we will be having a lot more events next year. We are taking new people all semester, so if you are interested in joining or have any questions, you can come to the third floor of Campus Center, in room 316, or you can email me directly,” said Crombie.

If you have any questions or interests in joining SGA or E-board, please email Ian Crombie or visit the SGA office!