Owen Brown, Editor-in-Chief (Ret.)
Owen Brown served as the Editor-in-Chief of The Beacon from 2023 until his graduation from MCLA in the fall of 2024. Owen graduated from a nmajor in Communications with a focus in Broadcast Media, and resides in Sandy Hook, Connecticut. Before becoming Editor-in-Chief, Owen was a part of The Beacon for three semesters, serving as a Sports Writer and Sports Editor during that time. Outside of The Beacon, he is a contributor to the podcasts Brewin’ with the Sox and Call to the Bullpen, and enjoys watching and talking sports, going to the gym, fishing, skiing, playing the drums, and just hanging out with friends. He is humbled and extremely honored to work with such a great staff, who are dedicated to making the Beacon the very best it can be, and providing you with all things MCLA and more!